Sunday 3 May 2015

Discover the World’s Biggest Yoga Pose Collection now!

The most complete collection of yoga asanas ever photographed, and the first-ever to categorize an astonishing 2,100 yoga poses. This beautifully designed book is a must-have for yogis of all levels and every practice.
2,100 Asanas is an unprecedented, meticulously crafted catalog of yoga poses and modifications. It is also a gorgeous work of art, showcasing the beauty and athleticism of the human form. Each photograph features an expert yogi performing the pose to perfection. The aesthetic is clean and modern. The book is organized into eight major types of poses-standing, seated, core, quadruped, backbends, inversions, prone, and supine-and further broken down by families of poses that progress from easiest to more challenging. Every pose is accompanied by the name of the pose in English and Sanskrit, a description of the modification, the Drishti point (eye gaze), the chakras affected and its benefits.

Monday 6 April 2015

The World's Biggest Yoga Pose Collection Book - Coming November 2015

Half Lord of The Fishes Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

(ARE-dah MOT-see-en-DRAHS-anna)

Variation: side bend twist: elbow to the opposite knee

Pose Type: seated, forward bend, side bend, twist

Drishti Point: Padhayoragrai or Padayoragre (toes/feet)

ardha = half
Matsyendra = a Hindu sage and one of the first teachers of Hatha yoga, a legend, king of the fish

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)

One Legged Pose Dedicated to Siddhar Konganar

Eka Pada Konganarasana

(aa-KAH pah-DAH cone-GAH-nah-RAHS-anna)

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose) or Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

eka = one
pada = foot or leg
Konganar = one of the Siddhars

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
third eye chakra (#6)

Pendant Pose


Variation: on the fingertips; ankles crossed

Pose Type: arm balance, forward bend, core

Drishti Point: Angusthamadhye or Angustha Ma Dyai (thumbs) or Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

lola = pendant

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
solar plexus chakra (#3)

Lion Pose Dedicated to an Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Garland Pose

Narasimhasana in Malasana

(also known as Lion Pose in Yoga Squat - Simhasana in Upavesasana)

(nah-rah-sim-HAHS-anna in maal-aa-sa-nna)

Variation: heels down

Pose Type: standing

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

Narasimha = an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu often visualized as half-man/halflion
mala = garland

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

Complete Cobra Pose

Paripurna Bhujangasana

(par-ee-pur-nah boo-jah-ANG-ahs-anna)

Variation: grabbing onto the shins with overhead grip

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

paripurna = full, entire, complete
bhujanga = cobra

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1),
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

Sideways Bound Angle Pose in Headstand 1

Parsva Baddha Konasana in Sirsasana 1

(PARSH-vah BAH-dah koh-NAH-sana in shear-SHAHS-anna)

Pose Type: inversion, side bend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

parsva = side
baddha = bound
kona = angle
sirsa = head

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
crown chakra (#7)

Sideways Uneven Tip Toe Pose Dedicated to Goddess Kali

Parsva Visama Prapada Kaliasana

(PARSH-vah veesh-ah-mah pra-pah-DAH kah-lee-ahsanna)

Variation: side bend

Pose Type: standing, side bend

Padhayoragrai or Padayoragre (toes/feet)

parsva = side
visama = uneven, unequal
prapada = tip of the feet
Kali = Hindu Goddess of Time and Change

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)

Sideways Yogic Seal Pose

Parsva Yoga Mudrasana

(also known as Sideways Bound Lotus Pose - Parsva Baddha Padmasana)

(PARSH-vah YO-gah MOO-drahs-anna)

Variation: chin to the knee

Pose Type: seated, forward bend, binding, twist

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

parsva = side
yoga = union, communion, the path which integrates the body, senses, mind and the intelligence with the self
mudra = seal

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1), sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)

Tip Toe Bound Foot One Legged Inverted Staff Pose

Prapada Baddha Pada Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana

(pra-pah-DAH BAH-dah pah-DAH aa-KAH pah-DAH VEE-puh-reetuh don-DAHS-anna)

Variation: forearms to the floor, head off the floor

Pose Type: backbend, inversion

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

prapada = tip of the feet
baddha = bound
pada = foot or leg
eka = one
pada = foot or leg
viparita = inverted
danda = stick or staff

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

King Pigeon Pose


(rah-JAH cop-poh-TAHS-anna)

Variation: grabbing onto the knees feet to the head

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

raja = king, royal
kapota = pigeon

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)
crown chakra (#7)

Star Pose



Pose Type: seated, forward bend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

tara = star

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
third eye chakra (#6)
crown chakra (#7)

Intense Ankle Stretch Tip Toe Lord of the Dance Pose

Uttana Kulpha Prapada Natarajasana

(also known as Tip Toe Pose Inspired by Parvati’s Graceful Dance - Prapada Lasyasana)

(OOT-tan-AH kulp-AH pra-pah-DAH not-ah-raj-AHS-anna)

Variation: standing leg bent, toes curled under; overhead grip, foot to the shoulder

Pose Type: standing one legged balance, backbend

Drishti Point: Hastagrai or Hastagrahe (hands)

ut = intense
tan= to stretch or extend
kulpha = ankle
prapada = tip of the feet
Nataraj = name of Shiva as a cosmic dancer

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)