Monday 6 April 2015

The World's Biggest Yoga Pose Collection Book - Coming November 2015

Half Lord of The Fishes Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

(ARE-dah MOT-see-en-DRAHS-anna)

Variation: side bend twist: elbow to the opposite knee

Pose Type: seated, forward bend, side bend, twist

Drishti Point: Padhayoragrai or Padayoragre (toes/feet)

ardha = half
Matsyendra = a Hindu sage and one of the first teachers of Hatha yoga, a legend, king of the fish

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)

One Legged Pose Dedicated to Siddhar Konganar

Eka Pada Konganarasana

(aa-KAH pah-DAH cone-GAH-nah-RAHS-anna)

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose) or Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

eka = one
pada = foot or leg
Konganar = one of the Siddhars

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
third eye chakra (#6)

Pendant Pose


Variation: on the fingertips; ankles crossed

Pose Type: arm balance, forward bend, core

Drishti Point: Angusthamadhye or Angustha Ma Dyai (thumbs) or Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

lola = pendant

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
solar plexus chakra (#3)

Lion Pose Dedicated to an Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Garland Pose

Narasimhasana in Malasana

(also known as Lion Pose in Yoga Squat - Simhasana in Upavesasana)

(nah-rah-sim-HAHS-anna in maal-aa-sa-nna)

Variation: heels down

Pose Type: standing

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

Narasimha = an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu often visualized as half-man/halflion
mala = garland

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

Complete Cobra Pose

Paripurna Bhujangasana

(par-ee-pur-nah boo-jah-ANG-ahs-anna)

Variation: grabbing onto the shins with overhead grip

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

paripurna = full, entire, complete
bhujanga = cobra

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1),
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

Sideways Bound Angle Pose in Headstand 1

Parsva Baddha Konasana in Sirsasana 1

(PARSH-vah BAH-dah koh-NAH-sana in shear-SHAHS-anna)

Pose Type: inversion, side bend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

parsva = side
baddha = bound
kona = angle
sirsa = head

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
crown chakra (#7)

Sideways Uneven Tip Toe Pose Dedicated to Goddess Kali

Parsva Visama Prapada Kaliasana

(PARSH-vah veesh-ah-mah pra-pah-DAH kah-lee-ahsanna)

Variation: side bend

Pose Type: standing, side bend

Padhayoragrai or Padayoragre (toes/feet)

parsva = side
visama = uneven, unequal
prapada = tip of the feet
Kali = Hindu Goddess of Time and Change

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)

Sideways Yogic Seal Pose

Parsva Yoga Mudrasana

(also known as Sideways Bound Lotus Pose - Parsva Baddha Padmasana)

(PARSH-vah YO-gah MOO-drahs-anna)

Variation: chin to the knee

Pose Type: seated, forward bend, binding, twist

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

parsva = side
yoga = union, communion, the path which integrates the body, senses, mind and the intelligence with the self
mudra = seal

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1), sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)

Tip Toe Bound Foot One Legged Inverted Staff Pose

Prapada Baddha Pada Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana

(pra-pah-DAH BAH-dah pah-DAH aa-KAH pah-DAH VEE-puh-reetuh don-DAHS-anna)

Variation: forearms to the floor, head off the floor

Pose Type: backbend, inversion

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

prapada = tip of the feet
baddha = bound
pada = foot or leg
eka = one
pada = foot or leg
viparita = inverted
danda = stick or staff

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)

King Pigeon Pose


(rah-JAH cop-poh-TAHS-anna)

Variation: grabbing onto the knees feet to the head

Pose Type: prone, backbend

Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

raja = king, royal
kapota = pigeon

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)
throat chakra (#5)
third eye chakra (#6)
crown chakra (#7)

Star Pose



Pose Type: seated, forward bend

Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose)

tara = star

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
third eye chakra (#6)
crown chakra (#7)

Intense Ankle Stretch Tip Toe Lord of the Dance Pose

Uttana Kulpha Prapada Natarajasana

(also known as Tip Toe Pose Inspired by Parvati’s Graceful Dance - Prapada Lasyasana)

(OOT-tan-AH kulp-AH pra-pah-DAH not-ah-raj-AHS-anna)

Variation: standing leg bent, toes curled under; overhead grip, foot to the shoulder

Pose Type: standing one legged balance, backbend

Drishti Point: Hastagrai or Hastagrahe (hands)

ut = intense
tan= to stretch or extend
kulpha = ankle
prapada = tip of the feet
Nataraj = name of Shiva as a cosmic dancer

Chakras Activated:
root chakra (#1)
sacral chakra (#2)
solar plexus chakra (#3)
heart chakra (#4)